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14-Day IVF Support Program
Day 1 - Program Introduction
Welcome (7:00)
About Belinda
IVF Support Weekly Meal Plans
Weekly Shopping Lists
Recipe - Chocolate Chia Puddings
Recipe - Ginger and Tamari Salmon Parcels
Day 2 - Optimal Nutrition for IVF
What does research tell us is best diet for IVF success? (8:58)
Research Cheat Sheet
Belinda's Healthy Eating Mantra
Key Foods to Include
Protein - are you getting enough? (5:30)
Recipe - Chicken and Bean Casserole with Quinoa and Salad
Recipe - Butterbean Dip
Day 3 - Foods to Avoid/Minimise
What should I be avoiding and why? (8:54)
Research Cheat Sheet
Recipe - Strawberry Protein Smoothie
Recipe - Sweet potato and zucchini frittata
Day 4 - Sperm Health
How to promote healthy sperm (9:46)
The impact of caffeine, smoking, drugs and alcohol on sperm and fertility
Improving sperm health and DNA fragmentation
Top Five Foods for Healthy Sperm
Recipe - Hidden Veggie Meatballs with Legume Pasta
Recipe - BK Banana Bread
Day 5 - Best foods for fertility
Top Ten Fertility Foods (7:04)
Don't forget hydration!
Recipe - Green Eggs
Recipe - One Tray Roast Vegetable and Lentil Bake
Day 6 - Changing your diet
Practical tips for changing your diet (8:14)
Shopping section
Recipe - Pesto Roast Chicken with Crunchy Cauliflower Rice
Day 7 - Fertility Specialist Q&A
Interview with Dr Gavin Sacks, Fertility Specialist from IVF Australia (23:10)
Q&A with Dr Gavin Sacks - questions from IVF patients (17:17)
BONUS video - Q&A with Dr Gavin Sacks on tricky cases and IVF implantation failure (27:13)
Recipe - Lamb Cutlets with Dukkah and Roasted Veggies
Recipe - Banana Pancakes
Day 8 - Stress and IVF
Does stress impact IVF success? (4:40)
Simple tips to help manage stress
Recipe - White Fish Fillets with Herbed Cauliflower Mash
Recipe - Peach and Banana Oat Muffins
Day 9 - Meditation for fertility
Meditation and Mindfulness
Relaxation and Conception
Guided audio meditations
Recipe - Yoghurt Pots
Recipe - Spiced Roast Chickpea and Pomegranate Salad
Day 10 -Nutrition tips for common conditions
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) (3:15)
Endometriosis (2:32)
Auto-immune conditions (3:23)
Thyroid problems (2:17)
Women over 38 years old (and/or those with lowered ovarian reserve) (2:49)
Recipe - One Tray Baked Lemon Chicken with Veggies
Recipe - Smokey Chickpea Popcorn
Day 11 - Lifestyle tips for IVF
Lifestyle tips for fertility (11:09)
Extra tips for creating a healthy home environment
DIY recipes for healthy home cleaning products
Recipe - Chia Porridge
Recipe - Smoked Salmon Buddha Bowl
Day 12 - Does exercise help or harm?
Exercise and IVF (4:14)
Recipe - Lamb Meatballs with Greek Style Salad and Hummus
Day 13 - The impact of sleep on fertility
Importance of sleep and rest on IVF outcomes (5:54)
Audio meditation for sleep
Recipe - Mexican Eggs
Recipe - Pan Fried Barramundi with Cauliflower Mash and Tumeric Butter
Day 14 - Pulling it all together
Pulling it all together (15:20)
Common food questions answered
Recipe - Herbed Chicken Salad
End of Program Feedback
A super-quick survey for you to complete (please!)
BONUS video - Q&A with Dr Gavin Sacks on tricky cases and IVF implantation failure
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